"A od té chvíle už jsem stále jen utíkal. Já netušil, že je to k něčemu dobrý," odpověděl Rob Pope z Liverpoolu na dotaz novinářů stejnými slovy jako Tom Hanks v oscarovém filmu Forrest Gump.
ROGUE GUEST POST ALERT!! Hi guys, Simon here, an old friend of Rob's. I asked Rob to make me an admin of the page so I could post a few photos that I'd taken while out visiting him on his adventure. I figured however that I'd take the opportunity to personally thank him for the inspiration, entertainment and goodwill that he's generated over the last 18 months. I don't know where this endeavour may lead him or what he will do next but I know that, for me, I've loved following his journey - this page has been the best thing on my Facebook feed for some time! The places he's run through and the challenges he's overcome (some of which have been greater than he's let on - I know he's nearly had to quit a couple of times but somehow he's managed to push on through). Also the level of kindness shown to him by all the folk he's met - dinners cooked, wheels repaired, beds offered, a few dollars here and there and a big bag of cheeseburgers that he graciously accepted despite being moderately allergic to cheese :-), his story has been one of positivity and the generosity of the human spirit. Also a shoutout to Nadine who's supported him so much throughout; mentally, logistically and financially, while simultaneously managing to build a nest for their new family in Liverpool. Pregnancy is hard work on it's own so this has been a stupendous effort behind the scenes. This brings me on to the really naughty bit of this post - I know that Rob and Nadine have burnt through all of their savings funding the run with a few major incidents like the RV crash/repairs that could not have been predicted but have had major implications for their cash reserves. Rob has always directed people towards the charities for donations which is admirable but a few people have wanted to donate some funds to support him personally and so he does have a private Gofundme page (link below). With so many of us following and being inspired by his adventure I figured even if a small minority of us make a small personal donation to say 'thank you for the ride', it could really help Rob and Nads get this thing finished and then build their new life (or even help fund the next adventure???). Anyway this is the only way I could reach his 'fans' and so I'll leave this here and get things started with $40 and say to Rob, thanks from me, keep on keeping on and please don't delete this! :-) xx https://uk.gofundme.com/keep-forrest-running-across-america Rob edit: Thanks very much Si. As you may have seen from the website, I've taken my gofundme link down as I'd rather the money went to the charities - you can donate there at www.goingthedistancerun.com I've had a couple of people who wanted to do both, so if you're insistent, I can't really stop you and am very grateful, but I'd prefer it if it went charity-wards. Thank you all (you're very kind) and especially Si x I won't delete it, but only cos it's so bloody nice.
Zveřejnil(a) Run Robla Run - Going The Distance dne 26. April 2018
Devětatřicetiletému veterináři z Liverpoolu se jako prvnímu na světě podařilo za 19 měsíců uběhnout 16 tisíc mil a Spojené státy tak překročil celkem čtyřikrát.
Na rozdíl od fiktivní filmové postavy ale věděl, proč běžel. Jeho hlavní motivací bylo, jak upozornil server Bored Panda, získat peníze na charitu. Dosud se mu podařilo vybrat kolem milionu korun.
"Myslím si, že tento film je krásným příběhem o životě a o tom, jak bychom se měli všichni chovat. Forrest nikoho nesoudil pro barvu kůže, inteligenci nebo cokoliv dalšího. Kdyby každý z nás byl takový jako on, svět by byl lepším místem pro život," uvedl pro britský server The Daily Mail.
Zároveň se přiznal, že je velkým fanouškem Toma Hankse, kterému poslal i pohled.
Ve skutečnosti není Pope žádným běžeckým amatérem. V roce 2015 si doběhl pro titul australského maratonského šampiona a dvakrát za sebou vyhrál i v závodu Liverpool Rock 'n' Roll Marathon.
So... You thought the last post was the big finish... Not quite! I couldn't have done this run without the help of a lot of people, but no-one has been there for me more than this one. I may not be a smart man, but I do know what love is! Fortunately Nads does too and she said yes! I'm the happiest guy alive 😊 Now if you're the romantic type, I'm sure you can show your approval by donating to my two wonderful charities at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=goingthedistancerun&pageUrl=2
Zveřejnil(a) Run Robla Run - Going The Distance dne 01. May 2018
Přesto si během svého amerického běhu několikrát sáhl na fyzické dno a bojoval s četnými zraněními. "Psychicky náročná byla i osamělost. Jsem ale velmi pozitivní osoba, a navíc jsem měl mimořádně silnou motivaci, proč běh dokončit. Zastavit se bylo pro mě nemyslitelné," popsal těžké chvíle, které zažíval.
V jeho cestě mu nezabránila ani krátká přestávka, během níž se vrátil domů kvůli narození dcery. V Londýně se také zúčastnil maratonu, kterým se zapsal do Guinnessovy knihy rekordů jako nejrychlejší člověk na světě běžící ve filmovém kostýmu.