"Je šokující, jakou životnost plast má a jak dlouho dokáže ničit přírodu," napsali členové pobřežní hlídky Burnham Coast Guard na Facebooku. Na jejich příspěvek upozornil britský zpravodajský server The Guardian.
Nález téměř padesát let staré láhve, ve které byl krém na ruce v téměř neporušeném stavu, je šokoval. Na sociálních sítích proto vyzvali všechny své fanoušky, aby se začali chovat ekologicky.
Whilst on the beach during yesterdays call out, we couldn't help but notice how much debris the tides had swept in over the last few days. Mostly wood, seaweed and other marine debris but also lots of man-made items. The beach warden said he had picked up lots of different items to dispose of on his travels including shoes and plastics. Even finding this Fairy Liquid bottle that is 47 years old! This bottle has been floating around in our waters and still looks almost new. If you watched the BBC One program Drowning In Plastic you will see what effects plastics are having on our entire world. Natural debris is just that, natural, biodegradable items like wood and seaweed etc, there has been an exceptional amount of that too leaving a visible hightide mark along our miles of golden sand. Most of it will return back to the water on following tides where it will provide habitat and food sources for marine life, the rest will be removed at some point by contractors. What can we do about this modern day scourge? We can try and reduce our day to day plastic use which is difficult with current manufacturing. But we can do little things like disposing of rubbish in bins (especially while at the beach) Be mindful of what we flush down our toilets, cotton buds are the worst offenders. And you can also help keep our beaches clean by joining your local beach cleaning groups such as the amazing Litter Free Coast & Sea Somerset and Rage Against Rubbish who along with their groups of volunteers are doing great work removing 100s of bags of rubbish and 1000s of cotton buds every month that would've otherwise been washing around our waters for years to come. Don't forget that these rough tides can also bring in dangerous items such as unexploded bombs/ammunition and marine distress flares. Please if you find anything that may be dangerous DO NOT touch it, alert the beach wardens if they are nearby and dial 999 asking for the Coastguards. Small changes by everyone can make a big difference to our beautiful planet and even to our very own stretch of coast, so let's make a difference together.
Zveřejnil(a) Burnham Coastguard Rescue Team dne 04. October 2018
"Sebemenší změna v přístupu každého z nás může znamenat velkou změnu pro naše krásné pobřeží a dokonce i pro celou naši planetu. Pojďme na tom pracovat," vybízí pobřežní hlídka.
Na sociální síti vyzývá i k připojení se ke komunitám, které se starají o úklid pláží.
Některé typy plastových lahví se nerozloží ani po 450 letech. Obyvatelé Velké Británie ročně vyprodukují více než 170 miliónů tun odpadu za rok, většinu z toho tvoří potravinové obaly.
Odpad z plastu je přitom podle deníku The Guardian všudypřítomný. Nerozložené mikročástice ulpívají v mořských živočiších, vodovodech, medu, cukru a dokonce i v soli.